Use of our instruments service – TEM, SEM, lab and microtomes

Confidential analysis and cost efficiency

Are the confidentiality of your samples and the optimization of your budget paramount concerns? Our Milton Keynes facility in Buckinghamshire welcomes you to access an extensive array of advanced instruments to fulfil your needs.

Material analysis with Transmission electron microscopes

Our facility offers high-contrast JEM 1400 and high-resolution JEM 2100 TEMs, facilitating intricate analysis of materials, nanoparticles and biological samples. The JEM 2100 is equipped with EDS and EDS mapping capabilities. Both microscopes offer diffraction.

Utilize our Scanning electron microscopes

Looking for powerful SEM? Utilize our Zeiss Crossbeam 550 FIB-SEM or the Tescan CLARA SEM. These powerful SEMs offer wide analytical capabilities, with a range of detectors for many applications.

Unfamiliar with SEM operation? Our Phenom XL Desktop SEM offers remote access, specifically designed for novice microscopists.

Sample preparation laboratory and equipment

If you also require preparing your sample, we offer a well-equipped laboratory with all necessary equipment for preparation of TEM or SEM samples.

Transparent Pricing: Per-Hour Usage

Our pricing model is straightforward—pay only for the time you use the instrument.

InstrumentCost per hour of usage
FIB-SEM Zeiss Crossbeam 550£170
SEM Tescan CLARA£170
TEM Jeol JEM 1400£170
TEM Jeol JEM 2100£170
Remote SEM£95
Sample prep lab and instruments£45

How to book and find us

Reach out to us, specifying your instrument of interest, and we’ll secure your booking. Your comfort with the instrument is our priority; we ensure you’re proficient before embarking on your analysis.

Find us on the Open University campus in Milton Keynes, situated at Walton Hall, MK7 6AA.

Interested to book an instrument?