Radka has been an integral part of the Open University since 2011, working alongside Prof David Male in the field of brain endothelium biology. During her PhD studies, she focused on exploring the potential of gold nanoparticles as a delivery system for brain disorders.
At the EM Suite, Radka has developed a strong proficiency in operating the unit’s TEMs, specifically the Jeol JEM 2100 and Jeol JEM 1400 models. She has been actively involved in assisting researchers with their projects, offering troubleshooting support for their samples, and providing guidance to ensure successful outcomes. Additionally, she has played a pivotal role in training individuals on various aspects of TEM usage, ranging from basic imaging techniques to advanced TEM operation and sample preparation.
Alongside her contributions to the TEM facility, Radka actively participates in collaborative research projects. She is the primary contact point for external inquiries, demonstrating her extensive knowledge and dedication to fostering partnerships.
- Transmission electron microscopy of many materials, from nanoparticles to biological samples. She performs STEM techniques, high-resolution imaging, EDS analysis and mapping, and diffraction
- Cell cultures including handling 3-dimensional culture models
- Nanoparticles in biological application
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