Let us find your answers with our electron microscopes

You don’t have to be an expert to understand the details

Let us help you to

analyse nanomaterials, including size distribution of nanoparticles, shape or composition (EDS, EDX)

topographically analyse samples by SEM
detect elemental composition and map these elements (EDS, EDX)

determine sample structure (EBSD) on SEM
analyse tissues and cells by TEM

find antigen of interest within a tissue (immunolabelling)

analyse cell/tissue in a 3D volume

Get to the root cause of the problem

Whether it is your failing product or material, only electron microscopes can tell you what is really going on there.

Cut your costs

Identify failure early and save money in the long run. Adapt your production based on what you have learned about your problem via the electron microscope.

Make an informed decision

No more guessing. Let electron microscopy data tell you what’s really going on there. Deepen your knowledge of the process of product manufacturing, so you are prepared to change direction when needed.

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